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संस्थान की स्थापना

अ.भा. सत्यशोधक गोलमेज परिषद् का प्रथम सम्मेलन पुणे (महाराष्ट्र) में हुआ, दूसरा सम्मेलन सोलापुर (महाराष्ट्र) में हुआ। शिक्षा के वर्तमान परिवेश पर समाजसेवी शंकरराव लिंगे (महाराष्ट्र), रामलाल कछावा (राजस्थान), रामनारायण चौहान (मध्यप्रदेश) ने कार्ययोजना बनाई। आदिलाबाद (आन्ध्रप्रदेश) में अखिल भारतीय माली सैनी महासभा के सम्मेलन में विचार हुआ। कॉस्टीट्यूशन क्लब ऑफ इण्डिया, दिल्ली में शिक्षादान की अभिनव योजना पर कार्य करने हेतु महात्मा फुले सामाजिक शिक्षण संस्थान की स्थापना हुई। 1 मार्च, 2012 से नई दिल्ली में कार्यालय प्रारंभ हुआ।

Establishment of Mahatma Phule Samajik Shikshan Sansathan

First meeting of Akhil Bhartiya Satya Shodhak Golmage Parishad was organised at Pune (Maharashtra) and second meeting was held at Solapur (Maharashtra). In the modern era of education, social activist Shankar rao Linge (Maharashtra), Ramlal Kachhawa (Rajasthan), Ramnarayan Chauhan (Madhya Pradesh) traveled extensively across the country did research and strategic planning to establish the Sansthan. Akhil Bhartiya Saini Mali Mahasabha in Adilabaad (Andhra Pradesh) assembled again and held meeting and here in the meeting it was considered. Committee was formed at Constitution club of India, Delhi and it announced to further proceed to register under the societies registration act XXI 1860. The Sansthan was registered on dated: 29.07.2011 in the name of Mahatma Phule Samajik Shikshan Sansthan with the main intention to work for a unique programme SHIKSHA DAAN KI ABHINAV YOJNA. An office was opened in New Delhi in the year 2012. Now the Sansthan is registered under section 80G.